St. Andrew's Middle School is a dynamic learning environment that encourages students to think for themselves. Lively with debate, learning, calls to service, and friendship, our Middle School is full of opportunities for students to make a difference in their own personal and academic lives as well as those of others.
Enrichment activities include Algebra I, Geometry, National Junior Honor Society, Student Government Association, Spanish Honor Society, Science Fair for 7th and 8th graders, 8th Grade Shakespeare play, Blanket Buddies, and CYO sports.
Middle School Highlights
100% passing rate on Diocesan High School Algebra I Exemption Test
100% passing rate on Diocesan High School Geometry Exemption Test
Above average ratings on NCEA Catechesis/Religious Education Assessment
95-100% passing rate on Diocesan High School Spanish Placement Test
Student acceptances to all Diocesan High Schools, Thomas Jefferson Regional High School for Science and Technology, Gonzaga College High School, and Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School
On average graduating class receives offers of $20,000 and above in high school scholarships